NV Me Clothing
Our Clothing is Crazy, Sexy, Cool

Custom Designs

Ready to Start?

When you are ready to submit your custom design for review, complete this online form and attach an electronic version of your design. We accept .jpg, .bmp, or .gif files.

Custom Design FAQ

How do I create a custom design item?

All you need to do to create a custom design item is submit a drawing of your design, including the color, and size specifications through our custom order form. One of our design specialists will contact you within 5 business days to discuss your design, and then we'll have one of our graphic artists render a comp of your design for your approval. (Note: All draft iterations of designs are the property of NV Me. Final approved custom designs are the property of the submitting customer. We recommend you copyright your designs for your future protection.)

Why won't you create my item with a custom design I submitted?

We reserve the right to decline any custom design that we deem to be a copyright infringement, offensive, sexually explicit, pornography, exploitive, or otherwise inappropriate.

What articles of clothing and accessories can I put my design on?

You can put your design on almost anything! From t-shirts, to jeans, to skirts, skorts, and shorts, we can make it all. You can even create your own custom handbag and other matching accessories. See our catalog for a full list of customizable items.

What is the commission if I allow my design to be made available to others?

Share your custom design with the world. Once you have an approved custom design, if you want to allow other customers to purchase items with your design, giving you a pretty sweet commission, just contact us, and we will send you the necessary legal agreements for your review and signature. Commission rates depend on the items sold, and range from 20% to 45% of profits received from sales of the item. An itemized commission % list is included in the legal agreement.

What if I want to keep my design private?

If you want to keep your custom designs private, then there's nothing more to do. We keep all of our customers' designs private, and only the submitting customer may purchase an item with that design, unless the customer requests that the design be offered for others. So, don't worry, you can be as unique as you want to be! (Note: We are not responsible for verifying the authenticity of your design and do not guarantee that designs submitted by others or those created by NV Me designers will not resemble your design.)
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